Science (Grade 3 to 5)

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Avatar Science takes kids to the exciting world of Science. The weekly hour-long classes are filled with amazing hand-on and virtual experiments and educational material in Life and Earth Sciences. We empower kids to create, think real-life problems, and think outside the box! Avatar Science classes are for Elementary schoolers and are taught by Science professionals with Doctoral degrees in STEM from the leading US Universities.
Topics:Space explorationEcosystems and biodiversityHuman body systemsWeather and climate phenomenaFundamental chemical principlesChemical reactions and the scientific methodHands-On Experiments:Interactive virtual “field trips” with Magic School Bus Chemistry Kit and multimedia presentationsExperiments that encourage predictions, data collection, and findings presentationActivities that reinforce the scientific methodIntegration of reading, research, and creative projects for experiential learningOver 20 dynamic experiments ranging from creating bubbling lava to making slimeEasy-to-follow instructions for minimal supervision requiredSafe, non-toxic materials for experimentsStimulation Through Engaging Activities:Collaborative projects promoting teamwork and communication skillsUse of technology to enhance learning and engagementFamily involvement in educational activitiesDiverse learning modalities to accommodate different styles and preferencesEncourages a deep love for science through engaging, hands-on experiencesIntegrates the fun and adventure of the Magic School Bus series to excite and educatePromotes independence and critical thinking in young learnersAligns with National Science Education Standards, emphasizing the kit’s educational value

Course Content

Life and Earth Sciences

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Hands on Experiments


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