Avatar Learning Center hosts online the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS). MOEMS is a large and popular mathematics competition for students in grades 4 through 8.
MOEMS provides opportunities for children to engage in creative problem-solving activities that develop a child’s ability to reason, to be logical, to be resourceful, and occasionally to be ingenious.
The Olympiad aims to:
Develop enthusiasm for problem solving and mathematics;
Deepen understanding of mathematical concepts and strengthen the ability to use these concepts,
Enrich experiences in intellectually stimulating and significant mental activities.
Each year, five challenging monthly Olympiad contests are held from November to March. Contests consist of five non-routine problems worth 1 point each, with a total time limit of 30 min. The Olympiad Committee collects the results and keeps a cumulative score for each participant.Avatar Learning Center offers a 12-week preparatory program for two age groups: Grades 4-6 and Grades 7-8.